Overactive Bladder Relief Now
Aggravating Upper Back/Neck Pain?
The New Home of www.AcupunctureMedicalCenter.com
Overactive Bladder Relief Now
Aggravating Upper Back/Neck Pain?
Dear New Website Visitor,
Thank you for taking the time to visit my Manhattan based alternative medicine practice's brand new website.
To discover more about how I have helped so many people experience their own "Rapid Health Response", and more
importantly how I can do the very same for you, please feel free to click around this site until your hearts
This website has been specially developed to provide you with a premium experience thanks to an abundance of articles,
videos, and audio files all made available for you to go through all at your own leisure, please be aware that some of
the specialty videos require opting in with your email address in order to gain direct unlimited access.
Whether you are here to find out more about my amazing clinically proven patent-pending "Bladder RE-EXPANSION Technique®"
overactive bladder (OAB) treatment or my incredible TrapEAZE Technique™ for upper back/neck pain relief, or for any other then
you will find tons of information so you can make the best informed decision if my services are right for you, your friend,
your co-worker, or your family member.
When you’re ready to make the commitment to your health and well-being for both your own benefit as well as your loved
ones please call me directly at 914-646-4545 to schedule your private consultation or your initial visit which always
includes your very first treatment.
Best in Health,
Justin Mandel, Dipl.O.M. L.Ac
P.S. When you choose to experience your own "Rapid Health Response" you will be provided with the finest alternative medicine care
available in all of Manhattan & New York City. My patients' already know me as being very caring, conscientious, extraordinarily
able and extremely willing to "help you get the results you want, as quickly as possible."
P.S.S. When you are ready please call 914-646-4545 to schedule your appointment as soon as possible because due to the
demand for my services I simply cannot guarantee that everyone who calls will be able to see me at their most
preferred requested time.